Our family was asked this question many times within the last three years of our life.
About three years ago, we had been asking the Lord for a place in this world that we could go and serve as a family for Him. At the same time, we were also seeking for a place where our family could get out of the "American Dream Bubble" for a little while and experience real life! :) My parents went to Liberia, Africa in 2006, and since that time have felt the need for us children to experience what most people in this world live like, and perhaps be the hands and feet of Jesus to those out there who needed help.
~Our family before we left~
It all started with a brochure about Belize. Dad was working at a local bank at the time. We decided to show the brochure to Dad; at the same time joking that he would *never* go for living in a third world country! However, when he came home one night, we showed him the article and he said, "Wow! That looks interesting... Let's pray about it." My mother, older sister and I were amazed. Dad was not usually the one liked to step out of the norm!
A view from our current backyard in Belize
The following year, Dad and a couple friends went to Belize. These friends were also looking for a new place/country to live. On Dad's trip to Belize, he felt the Lord showing him very clearly that this is the place the Lord wanted our family. Every time he turned around, the Lord had answered another prayer request of ours to know if we should move there. He also got to meet the Banman family. We met the Banmans through email when we first heard of Belize. The Lord totally planned and orchestrated our two family's friendship, and we have been blessed greatly by it.
Gracie M and Wanda B, our first week in Belize
The following years held many experiences. We met a Christian man who had beeen successful in business, and soon the plan was made that we would go to Belize and start an organic farm, and he would fund it. He wanted to get some of his money out of the country, and we wanted to do some farming, so it sounded like a wonderful idea to all! We sold everything we had, and were ready for most of us to drive to Belize and the others to fly in just two weeks! Then at the last minute, our friend decided he needed more time to consider this big decision. We completely understood. However, we were left without a house, a newborn baby, a job and hardly any furninture or kitchen utensils, or clothing! This was quite the test of faith for us.
Some of our best friend's children and my siblings back in WA State ♥
We ended up living in a travel trailer of our dearest friends for about a month and a half (their children above), and the Lord provided a house for us to house-sit for a month. Then He provided a very inexpensive and beautiful place for us to live. Someone also called my Dad up and offered him a job. We were very suprised and grateful to our Heavenly Father for caring for these servants of His Kingdom... Now the question was, were ever going to Belize? And if so, how could we ever leave our beloved friends?
Our family right before getting on the airplane to leave ♥
More of the story in the next post! :)
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